
Thursday, August 12, 2021

marshmallow earth

I made a lolly chocolate marshmallow earth on Wednesday. you had to take a photo of the lolly chocolate marshmallow earth and then you got to eat it. it was very yummy but i save some of it for break. My marshmallow was a white one. The white one smelt like clay and maybe the pink marshmallow smelled like clay to. There was tectonic plates on the chocolate because you squished the chocolate and then it makes little cracks because in the real Earth there is tectonic plates. The marshmallow is the crust press this is what we live on

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

maths I did the week.

This week in maths we did temperature like melting ice and weighing water in a bag. it weighed 500 grams. I poured the cold water in the bag. 1 l is 1000 grams, 2 l is 2000 grams, 1.5 l is half a 1 and a half grams.